Sick Pet Drop Off Form

We have arranged for you to leave your pet here, to allow us to examine your pet as soon as possible today. Please read through the following questions, and answer any that may apply to your pet today. We cannot guarantee pickup times, but please be assured your pet will be assessed as soon as our schedule allows. Please read and sign the authorization at the end this form.
Owner of pet
My pet is lethargic
My pet is vomiting
My pet seems constipated
My pet is having diarrhea
Has your pet had access to foods other than pet food?
My pet has lost or gained weight
My pet is lame, or sore, or has been injured 
Any animal found to have fleas or ticks will be treated in office at your expense to prevent transmission to other animals.
I am the owner/agent for described animal and I authorize and request an examination for my pet.
I understand that sedation and/or pain medication will be provided at my expense if deemed necessary.
I authorize anesthesia, surgery, and medications if needed for abscess, laceration or other wounds if my pet is presented for one of these problems.
I understand, and accept that when anesthesia is involved, there are always inherent risks, including death and these risks have been explained to me.
I understand payment is due at time of service and that a deposit may be required after an estimate is prepared and discussed. I accept financial responsibility for charges incurred for this pet.
At Echo Ridge Veterinary Hospital, your pet’s health, safety, and comfort t are our primary goals.
Echo Ridge Veterinary Hospital provides the highest quality of medical and surgical services, and everything will be done to prevent possible to reduce any risks.
By signing this, I understand that there are risks when an animal is sick and during procedures and I will not hold any veterinarian, team member, or Echo Ridge Veterinary Hospital liable for any complications that arise.
I understand the nature and purpose of the procedure(s), risks involved, and possible complications that could arise. I understand there are no guarantees of the outcome of said procedure(s).
I understand that while Echo Ridge Veterinary Hospital practices quality veterinary medicine, NO procedure or hospitalization is without medical risk. No guarantees can be made legally or ethically to me if something were to go wrong.
Should for any reason my pet require emergency services and CPR is necessary:


MM slash DD slash YYYY

Pick up is no later than 4:30p, if not picked up before close boarding fees will incur.

Pick up is no later than 4:30p, if not picked up before close boarding fees will incur.